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We found '1' company containing the term 'castel' in its 'Company Name'

Castel Gulf DMCC Premium Listing

ADDRESS: HDS Tower|Office 1804 | Al Thanya Street |Jumeira Lake Towers Dubai United Arab Emirates
CONTACT PERSON : Salah AbdelGhany (General Manager (Castel Gulf DMCC))
MOBILE : +971 503224056
TEL. : +971 44 518330
FAX : na
E-MAIL : salah@castel.it
WEBSITE : http://www.castel.it

BRANDS: Castel Srl

PRODUCTS: Accessories and spares, Actuators, Ammonia and CO2 cascade systems, Ammonia and CO2 trans-critical systems, Ball valves (also see Solenoid expansion valves, Valves for refrigerating systems), Check valves, Electronic expansion valves, Filter dryers, Gaskets (also see Magnetic and non-magnetic gaskets for commercial refrigeration)-, Humidity controls, Oil control systems, Oil separators, Pressure regulators, Refrigeration systems (oil & gas), Refrigeration systems (pharma), Refrigeration systems (supermarkets), Refrigeration systems (warehouses), Sight glasses, Solenoid expansion valves, Thermostatic expansion valves, Valves for refrigerating systems, Vibration isolators

Others: Electronic oil-level regulators, Safety devices, Smart connector systems, 3-way ball valves, Fittings

BRANDS: Castel Srl

PRODUCTS: Accessories and spares, Actuators, Ammonia and CO2 cascade systems, Ammonia and CO2 trans-critical systems, Ball valves (also see Solenoid expansion valves, Valves for refrigerating systems), Check valves, Electronic expansion valves, Filter dryers, Gaskets (also see Magnetic and non-magnetic gaskets for commercial refrigeration)-, Humidity controls, Oil control systems, Oil separators, Pressure regulators, Refrigeration systems (oil & gas), Refrigeration systems (pharma), Refrigeration systems (supermarkets), Refrigeration systems (warehouses), Sight glasses, Solenoid expansion valves, Thermostatic expansion valves, Valves for refrigerating systems, Vibration isolators

Others: Electronic oil-level regulators, Safety devices, Smart connector systems, 3-way ball valves, Fittings

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